
Showing posts from September, 2018

Camera Angles

Camera Angles As well as Shot Types you have camera angles that co inside with the shot types. There are 5 Main types of Camera Angles, they are; The Birds-eye view, High Angle, Eye Level, Low Angle, Oblique/Canted. The Birds-eye view This camera angle shows a scene from directly above the subject(s). It is a strange angle as many objects from this angle are unrecognisable such as umbrellas in a crowd or dancers legs'. The use of this angle is to put the audience in a position of dominance and or higher power, godlike. The subjects may seem ant like giving them minimal significance, or to be shown as part of a greater scheme such as war. High angle This camera angle is a lot less extreme compared to a birds-eye view due to the large difference in altitude. The camera may be held by a crane to give an overview of the general scene. The subject(s) are still less significant or it may be used to make the subject(s) feel...

Adobe Premier Short-cuts

Space bar = Pause and play ▶️ + ⏸️ Arrow keys = L & R , advance back or forward, hold both and playback in slow-motion Ctrl/Command for Mac (Z, X, C, V) = Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste No Ctrl (V, C) = arrow tool, Cut razor + & - = Zoom on timeline I & O = In & Out of a clip In = start, Out = end K = play L = speed J = slow/backwards Home = beginning of timeline Back Space = deletes one clip Here is the piece of footage alongside the audio, all cameras were recording audio so we could directly drag the media source in. After dragging the source I set the input time to 10:00:00:00. To play the clip I had to press space bar and to pause press it again. Also I used K to stop the clip when I sped it up using L. After I had this footage I implemented other cameras such as ones that focused on the drummer. Here I have two different cameras shown in the program. One in the source and one in the program which is my final edit. I was mid wa...

Press Release


Poster Research

When creating the poster I had to become familiar with Photoshop. Two sections were split from where I was working. In college I completed the base of my poster and at home I finished the poster on Photoshop. With the help of a friend I was able to pick up the more technical aspects of Photoshop. For example I was learning the use of curves and how they alter colour as well as how to screen layers. It allowed me to create certain effects with my poster that added to the story and allowed me to not have less blocky pictures. In my poster I used guidelines to allow me to portion my poster fairly so one side isn't heavier than the other. I was able to centralise the poster with an image of Henry Cavill. My images do not leak off of the page and fit smoothly in each section. My poster gives a small hint towards the ''film'' without revealing too much. The story of the poster is that a man is caught between his military background and his desire to fight again along...




Foley Foley artists have the job of using object(s) to create certain sounds that imitate other sounds such as storms, rain, rustling, etc. It's used al the time in film and tv to ease having to obtain sound from the actual source. Here you can see two foley artists using a variety of objects to create sound. A video will be played infant of the artists as they replicate the sounds. In the sound booth there is a person who records and listens to what the artists have made. This means the artists are not aware of the final sound in sync with the video until it is found to be perfect. Foley originates from Jack Foley who used this act to create sound effects for film making. From this it developed greater where now several film companies have dedicated studios for the creation of SFX with Foley. Post production Foley is necessary if there is any dialogue as if the sound was being recorded alongside the audio then it would cause an interruption to the speech. To be a Fole...


Audio 20-20000Hz is the range of sound. Certain people hear different ranges between 20 and 20000 because their ears may be damaged or aged. Wavelength - the wave length alters the frequency of the sound. The more waves there are a second the higher the frequency. Wildtrack-where someone will record where they are (sounds heard), recorded separately from picture but syncs within the video/film Avoid distortion (clean) - distortion is where a signal is too strong and is peaking. certain components will not be able to handle to signal and lose signal. voice 5.5 PPM SFX  3 PPM Music 4 PPM Left and right - 2 channels, Mic onboard and external Mic - Boom mic On a Boom Mic its directional - Shotgun/Rifle or 416 Onboard = left, external = right Onboard records Voice and Ambient (Wildtrack) Boom Mic records voice only, you record both incase one mic drops off or the audio file corrupts, also it can be used to pick what voice is used.They can be synced so the voice ca...


Resources for Shot types A camera shot is when a camera starts and stops creating a piece of work. There are eight different shot types; Extreme long shot (XLS/ELS) This shot type is a wide view of a whole setting for example a city landscape or open priories with mountains in the background. This shot is to emphasize an expanse of space and or distance. This shot makes the audience feel like they are overwhelmed and there is a more dominant force. It can show power over the audience and subject. Long shot (LS) This shot is closer than XLS but at the same time it shows the complete scene. On a human scale a person would be clearly visible and fits within the frame. Usually they are used to establish a location. The audience feel like they are understanding the location more and are able to become familiar with the setting. Medium long-shot (MLS) In a medium long shot, you can see more details into the characters expressions. The...