Camera Angles
Camera Angles As well as Shot Types you have camera angles that co inside with the shot types. There are 5 Main types of Camera Angles, they are; The Birds-eye view, High Angle, Eye Level, Low Angle, Oblique/Canted. The Birds-eye view This camera angle shows a scene from directly above the subject(s). It is a strange angle as many objects from this angle are unrecognisable such as umbrellas in a crowd or dancers legs'. The use of this angle is to put the audience in a position of dominance and or higher power, godlike. The subjects may seem ant like giving them minimal significance, or to be shown as part of a greater scheme such as war. High angle This camera angle is a lot less extreme compared to a birds-eye view due to the large difference in altitude. The camera may be held by a crane to give an overview of the general scene. The subject(s) are still less significant or it may be used to make the subject(s) feel...