Editing is the cutting, re-arranging or ordering of footage. Also in editing programs you can colour grade and do colour correction etc.
Order of shots
The meaning of a sequence will change dramatically depending on the ordering of shots. Its possible to show shots together to either show a close connection or to emphasise contrast (Juxtaposing scenes).
One theory is the soviet montage theory.
This theory by lev kuleshoe is a concept made in the 1920's called the kuleshoe effect. It is where showing an actors expression will have different effects depending what the actor is shown creating different intentions.
Coined by sergei Eisentein the soviet montage theory is the idea that placing together seperate sections of film could create ideas or have an impact beyond individual shots. For example
- eye + water = crying
- Ear + next door = listening
- mouth + bird = singing
The main 5 are;
1.metric montage - this is where during the montage each shot is chronological and follows a simple pattern creating basal emotional reactions from the audience.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6uj5X-cjQc - this karate kid metric montage shows a clear example of its use. It is often a very old concept and is rarely used in current film making.
2. Rhythmic montage - This type of montage involves mainly the size of action during a scene to keep it on a similar level throughout to give it a wholesome feeling. an example would be from the good, the bad and the ugly - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNeNoW3ooZ4 , it shows a tense setting throughout.
3. Tonal montage - This is used for emotional meanings of shots, its more complex than the emotional outcome of the audience that metric or rhythmic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7o2Kq5JcXg - this scene from the deathly hallows clearly shows the emotion to be portrayed is sadness, anger under the large factor of grief.
4. Over tonal montage - This type of montage is a combination of metric, rhythmic and tonal creating an emotional connection between the audience and the subject. Each element from each montage type creates a much stronger connection that the others on their own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwN5ndR65QM - this video shows over tonal montage very well as it has the same level of action combined with the unison of people walking in harsh areas as well as the chronological order of walking, one after the after.
5. Intellectual montage - This is where shots are combines to produce an intellectual meaning. even though the montage may not have many shots they will still be full of cultural, symbolic, political history. Together it forms a complex moment that other types of montage can not achieve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aipxWaOaJ0k - this scene from the godfather outlines several aspects that when shown have to be pieced together to figure out its meaning.
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