
Image result for black power olympics
The image inspires people and gives hope to later generations
Memorable moment 

Representation of a James Bond villain ; 
  • fast car
  • smart
  • wealthy
  • safehouse
  • Owns a cat
  • American
  • Suit
  • Male
  • Dodgy prick - nonce, lurks in alleyways
  • drug dealer
Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman narrates for the opening ceremony (26904746425) (cropped) 3.jpg

Morgan freeman was familiar with the civil rights struggle and how blacks were negatively shows in films.
He mentions how black actors were stereotyped and black success and talent was a dismal. At these times of his birth and after black people found struggle to become actors as white actors would take their place. If a black character was wanted to be used then white people would colour themselves to look like them

Character                                   Morgan Freeman
                                                  32                                                     81
                                   Aspiring music artist                                    Actor
                                            Black male                                      Black male


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